

Clark County Department of Aviation Public Records

The Clark County Department of Aviation is committed to providing access to public records in accordance with Nevada Revised Statute, Title 239 (NRS 239, aka, the “Nevada Public Records Act”).

Public records include paper and electronic documentation created, obtained, or used by the Clark County Department of Aviation—which includes Harry Reid International Airport, Henderson Executive Airport, North Las Vegas Airport, Jean Sport Aviation Center, and Overton-Perkins Field—in the conduct of its business.

All public records not declared by law to be confidential (of which the Department of Aviation retains legal custody and control) will be made available to the public as requested, as expeditiously as possible, with any personal identifying information or other confidential or privileged information redacted. (See also: Policies and Procedures and Fee Schedule)

The Department of Aviation receives and processes public records requests through our Public Records Center (see link below), which allows such requests to be submitted online. Members of the public can track their requests and, when fulfilled, download records from their own online portal, or request access to public records be provided to them through other means.

Enter Public Records Center