Q. What positions am I qualified for?
A. Review our job classifications and compare your education and employment background against the requirements to see if you are qualified.
Q. How do I know what positions are open?
A. Check our current postings.
Q. How do I apply for a position?
From our current postings page, click into the job title, then click the Apply button.
Q. What if I don’t have a computer?
A. You can apply using a computer in Employee Services (LAS Airport, Terminal 1, 4th Floor).
Q. What if I don’t have an e-mail address?
A. Sign up for free e-mail with Hotmail, Yahoo!Mail, Gmail, etc.
Q. What if I want to apply for a position that isn’t open?
A. From our job classifications page, submit a job interest card and we’ll email you when the position opens.
Q. How do I know my application was received?
A. After you complete your application and click Certify and Submit, you’ll see an acknowledgment.
Q. What if I have trouble inputting my application online?
A. There is an online help option.
Q. How many of my previous jobs should I put on my application?
A. You should show a 10-year work history. Just remember to also include all your qualifying experience even if it extends past 10 years. Qualifying experience is experience that meets the requirements on the job posting.
Q. I already applied for one job; do I need to apply again if I’m interested in another job?
A. Yes, submit a complete application for each position you are interested in.
Q. Can I just submit a resume?
A. A resume is not acceptable in lieu of an application. You'll need to complete the education and experience portions of the application and provide answers for all supplemental and/or skills assessment questions.
Q. Is there an application deadline?
A. Yes, you must submit your application prior to 5:00 pm PST on the closing date on the job posting.
Q. What is a limited recruitment?
A. Some recruitments are limited to a specific number of applications and will close without notice as soon as that number is received, even if it is prior to the closing date posted on the job announcement.
Q. What is an open and continuous recruitment?
Open and continuous recruitments are generally open for a month or more, but may close at any time with three days posted notice.
Q. How can I submit required certifications, licenses, etc.?
A. Electronically attach these documents to your application prior to clicking Certify and Submit.
Q. How do I submit my DD214?
A. Attach the DD214 electronically to your application.
Q. How will I know what’s going on with my application?
A. You’ll be notified by e-mail. Most candidates will receive just one notice, either a determination that you did not meet the qualifications for the position, or a score notice. Applicants invited to interview will receive a separate notice.
Q. How does the evaluation process work?
A. If your application does not demonstrate that minimum qualifications are met, you will not move forward in the selection process. Additional information will not be accepted after the closing date.
Q. What are the minimum qualifications?
A. A set of requirements that must be met in order to be considered for employment for each job title. For example, our parking attendant position requires graduation from high school or equivalent, and one year of full-time experience in cashiering or handling monies received from the public.
Q. What is the examination process?
A. Depending upon the recruitment for which you apply, the examination process may consist of a review of the application, skills assessment, or other scoring mechanism.
Q. Is my application scored?
A. Yes, you may receive up to 100 points based upon the scoring mechanism used.
Q. Can I get Veterans’ Preference?
A. Veterans will receive five preference points if they attach a DD214 documenting an honorable discharge to their application. Disabled veterans will receive five additional preference points if they also attach a letter from the Veterans Administration verifying their disabled status to their application.
Q. Is there an appeal process?
A. Yes, a Not Qualified status or a Score can be appealed by submitting a written request stating the facts upon which the appeal is based to Employee Services within five calendar days of the notice date. Only information included in your original application will be reevaluated.
Q. What is an eligibility list?
A. A list of all applicants meeting the requirements for the position.
Q. How long will my name be on the eligibility list?
A. Open competitive eligibility lists are typically active for six months.
Q. Will the eligibility list be used for other Clark County departments?
A. Clark County departments may opt to use an eligibility list established by the Department of Aviation if it meets their recruitment needs.
Q. Will I get an interview?
A. Applicants on the eligibility list may be called to a hiring interview based upon their examination score (for example the top 10 scoring applicants) and/or special skill requirements for the positions (like typing).
Q. What is the interview process?
A. An interview panel meets with candidates and evaluates them using a set of questions based on job-related requirements and departmental needs. This panel makes a hire recommendation.
Q. How soon will I be notified of interview results?
A. All applicants will be notified of the interview results by email.
Q. How long does the recruitment process take?
A. Each recruitment is different. The process may take a few weeks or a few months depending upon the number of applications received and the complexity of the selection process.
Q. Will I be considered for employment if I live out of state?
A. Of course, but we do not pay for travel costs associated with examinations or interviews.
Q. Do I have to live in Clark County to work at the Airport?
A. Yes, permanent employees must establish and maintain a principal place of residency within the boundaries of Clark County within 90 days of employment.
Q. Will Clark County sponsor me for a work visa?
A. No. Applicants must be able to provide proof of eligibility to work in the United States.
Q. Do I have to go through a background check prior to employment?
A. Yes, employment is contingent upon completion of an education/experience check, a fingerprint-based criminal history record check processed by the FBI, a security threat assessment, and the ability to be granted a security badge as mandated by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA).
Q. Do you require me to have a medical examination or drug test prior to employment?
A. Maybe. Some positions require a physical and/or drug testing.
Q. What is a CBP Seal?
A. Customs and Border Protection Security Seal Program: Employment with the Department of Aviation in this job title is contingent upon a ten-year employment and five-year residency history record check and the ability to present original identity based documentation in order to meet the requirements for a Security Seal.
Q. Is there a probation period for new employees?
A. Yes, typically 1,040 hours worked, but no less than 520 hours worked and no more than 2,080 hours worked.