Department of Aviation Airspace Application forms include the following:
FAA Form 7460-1, “Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration”
Property Owner’s Shielding Determination Statement
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Completed applications should be submitted to the Department of Aviation, Harry Reid International Airport, Director’s Office 3rd Floor, 5757 Wayne Newton Blvd., Las Vegas, NV 89119; or P.O. Box 11005-1005, Las Vegas, NV 89111-1005.
Director’s Permit Application
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Completed applications should be submitted to the Department of Aviation, Harry Reid International Airport, Airside Operations 4th Floor, 5757 Wayne Newton Blvd., Las Vegas, NV 89119; or P.O. Box 11005-1005, Las Vegas, NV 89111-1005.
Variance Application
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Application for Variance from the Provisions of Clark County Code Title 20.13. Required for structures that penetrate airspace surfaces by more than 200 feet. Completed applications
should be submitted to the Department of Aviation, Harry Reid International Airport, Director’s Office 3rd Floor, 5757 Wayne Newton Blvd., Las Vegas, NV 89119; or P.O. Box 11005-1005, Las Vegas, NV 89111-1005.